Monday, May 28, 2018

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


 I helped build M.S.I. Multiple.Sources.of Income. That I thought my family and I would benefit from !

I had a call from someone I trusted and I had given them total commitment ...believing in their Dream ....I ignored those who told me truths about them and I then found out that ...for them it was ALL ABOUT the GREED and still IS !!
Personal Development ...they don't grow to be a better person , they still scheme and can't let go of the BS belief system that they HAVE to HAVE it ALL ANY COST and like many this idea is still sold on ?

Because of their draconian ways ...even tho you did so much, you walk away or are thrown away with nothing. And the fabrication starts and gets ingrained and the “lies become the truth”.  The emailed questions are unanswered.

These people talk about values, but What happens the values they may talk about,
"they become above" as they now have to DO ANYTHING to protect their greed
and YOU become the slave to their pocket.
and They'll find a way and cunningly get people on side ... protecting their Jobs.

 It goes around this is not a job ...just a thing we do !! ... a thing you do ...for them.
Hate These people ...don't waste your time, they are SAD problems, who have to Lie and fabricate, but ... 
If we don't start Sharing ...what will the KIDS have !!!

Create YOUR OWN M.S.I. Multiple.Sources .of Income. And teach your KIDS to do the same ...for BRIGHTER Family Futures !!
My familys suffered, but lets make sure history does not keep repeating,  by...
EMPOWERING ALL Children and the Next generations with SOLUTIONS , from my Global research, there is a GLOBAL lack of Financial Education and Addressed can start to ...


              See MORE for Your KIDS & Family at 

Thank you !!  
“KIDS are ALL OUR Brighter Futures”

The G.A.T.E.S.master Joe Estrada
Are you A ...

YES we need business and builders ....but why do they then have to have it ALL ...didn't we play a part in the Growth ...STOPtheGREED4KIDS !!!

................MORE to come !!!